Our mission

Timber Finance unlocks and monetizes the climate potential of timber buildings for carbon investors through ICROA-compatible Carbon Removal Credits.

Our Team

Our team of experienced specialists from the financial and carbon economy is continuously developing innovative solutions to unlock and monetize the climate potential of the forestry and timber industry and to decarbonize the construction industry.

Image Frank Vasek

Frank Vasek

CO-FOUNDER, Head of carbon solution

Frank is a business and project developer and is committed to the environment and carbon. He is an experienced project manager and has developed a keen eye for organizational structures, strategy development, climate financing and projects. Through his involvement in several projects, he has acquired excellent know-how in the field of climate investments at the interface between the forestry, timber and construction industries. Frank holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering from the TU Braunschweig.

Image Stefan Zöllig

Stefan Zöllig

Board member, CO-FOUNDER

Stefan has been known for over 30 years as an innovator, idea and pace-setter in the timber construction industry. With numerous products, patents and brands as well as over 4,000 timber construction projects, he is one of the most energetic entrepreneurs in the timber industry. Numerous products bear his signature, which he has developed from a vague idea to a marketable product. He has founded and managed several companies and associations. The development of the Timber Startup Incubator, which he co-founded, is particularly close to his heart.

Image Thomas Fedrizzi

Thomas Fedrizzi

Board member, CO-FOUNDER

Thomas has been a multi-founder and private equity investor in corporate and project development for 30 years, the last 10 years in the Swiss forestry and timber industry, where he co-developed several innovative projects and companies as a board member, including ZürichHolz AG, Fagus Suisse SA in the hardwood sector and Ligno Carbon Schweiz AG in the biochar sector. Thomas has an engineering degree from the ETH in Zürich, as well as an Executive Master in Corporate Finance. He also has extensive experience in impact finance and in the field of renewable energies and sustainable construction from previous activities.

Image Samara Sicardi

Samara Sicardi

Head of Marketing & Communication

Samara is a passionate communications expert with a strong interest in finance and sustainability issues. At Timber Finance, she can ideally combine these interests and enjoys creating visibility for globally unique and innovative solutions. With a bachelor degree in Journalism and Communication Sciences and an ongoing Master’s degree in Management & Economics with a focus on market-oriented management, Samara has a broad range of specialist knowledge. Before joining Timber Finance, she was able to develop her skills in various professional roles in marketing.

Image Ruven Peterhans

Ruven Peterhans

data & relationship management

Ruven is responsible for relationship and data management, research and organizes the Timber Finance speaker system.  As an IT specialist, he is responsible for the Timber Finance CRM system and as a cand. political scientist, he is familiar with social developments and processes.

Senior Advisor

Dipl. Ing Hubert Rhomberg


Hubert is CEO in the fourth generation of Rhomberg Holding GmbH and leads the international business of the Rhomberg Group based in Bregenz, Austria. In 2010, he founded CREE Buildings, an international construction collective for regenerative building solutions, and has been revolutionizing the construction industry ever since. The Rhomberg name stands for sustainable construction as well as sustainable mobility and resource productivity. With a holistic approach, the three divisions of Construction, Rail Technology and Resources not only pursue sustainable principles, but also set benchmarks.

After graduating with a degree in engineering from the Vienna University of Technology, Hubert Rhomberg worked for Strabag in Linz and Vienna for three years before starting his career in the family business in 1998, heading the civil engineering department and expanding the railroad technology division. In addition, he supplemented his practical entrepreneurial knowledge with postgraduate studies in business management at the renowned HSG St. Gallen.

Stefan Vögtli


As a trained wood merchant, Stefan has more than 40 years of experience in the Swiss timber supply chain, from wood procurement to the finished building product. Including 15 years in sales in timber wholesale and 5 years as sales manager in a medium-sized softwood sawmill. His involvement centers around generating ecological, financial and economic added value for the Swiss timber industry.

Beat Riget

Independent forestry expert

Beat Riget is trained as a forest warden and forester and has worked for many years in the Kyburg forest district. After the storm Lothar in 2000, he became head of the Canton of Zurich’s storm wood center. In 2005, together with the Zurich Forestry Department, forest owners and foresters, he founded ZürichHolz AG and took over its management. During his career, he carried out projects for ZürichHolz AG, founded other companies and held board mandates at Fagus Suisse and other companies. His constant goal was to create added value for forest owners and the forest.

Bild von Stephan Krüger

Stephan Krüger


Mr. Krüger is a German businessman with more than 40 years of experience in the field of environmental and climate protection. His extensive network in politics and business extends across the German-speaking world and connects him closely with decision-makers. His expertise focuses on the areas of construction, energy and mobility. He brings sustainability, people and markets together with great passion.

Mr. Krüger actively supported the DESERTEC Foundation and is a member of the Bauhaus Erde initiative group. As a freelance head of government and business relations at Rhomberg Holding and as a consultant to the Brünninghoff Group, he is driving change. He is also involved in various organizations on a voluntary basis.

Important Legal Notice

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Grundsätzlich gilt: Je höher das Risiko (Kursschwankungen), desto länger sollte die Anlagedauer sein, und desto höher sind die Renditechancen. Sowohl der Wert des investierten Kapitals als auch die daraus resultierenden Erträge (z.B. Ausschüttungen im Zusammenhang mit Investmentfonds) unterliegen Schwankungen oder können ganz entfallen. Anlagen in Fremdwährungen sind direkten und indirekten Wechselkursschwankungen unterworfen. Einzelne Finanzprodukte sind generell höheren Risiken ausgesetzt.


Eine positive Wertentwicklung (Performance) in der Vergangenheit ist keine Garantie für eine positive Wertentwicklung in der Zukunft. Die TFM und ihre Gegenparteien können daher nicht garantieren, dass das investierte Kapital seinen Wert erhält (oder sogar steigert), und die Anleger müssen bereit oder in der Lage sein, erhebliche Verluste oder sogar Totalverluste hinzunehmen. Bei der Berechnung der Performance werden allfällige Gebühren und Kosten (z.B. Kommissionen und Kosten, die bei der Zeichnung und Rücknahme von Fondsanteilen erhoben werden), die beim Kauf, Halten oder Verkauf des Finanzproduktes anfallen, nicht mitberücksichtigt.


Bei den portraitieren Unternehmen handelt es sich um allgemeine Kommunikation und Werbung und nicht um ein öffentliches Angebot mit Prospektpflicht gemäss FIDLEG Art. 35, sondern um eine Privatplatzierung in Analogie zu FIDLEG Art. 36 und Art. 39, die sich an einen eingeschränkten Kreis von weniger als 500 professionellen und qualifizierten AnlegerInnen mit vertieften Kenntnissen der Wald-, Holz-, Bau- und Energiewirtschaft und einem Gesamtwert von weniger als CHF 8 Mio innert 12 Monaten richtet. Interessierte AnlegerInnen richten sich direkt für weitere Abklärungen an das portraitierte Unternehmen. 

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Important Legal Notice

Important Legal Notice

The official website of The Timber Finance Management AG (hereinafter referred to as TFM) contains, among other things, information and opinions on investment instruments, products and services (hereinafter referred to collectively as financial products). You can therefore only visit the website if you carefully read and subsequently accept the following important legal information for financial products. With your consent and your access to the website, you declare that you have understood and expressly agree to the legal information. TFM may involve third parties in the operation of the website. The following content also applies mutatis mutandis to information that customers receive, for example in the form of subscribed newsletters. The information as well as the rules of use can be updated at any time. The changes are binding. By the further use of the website and our services we proceed from your knowledge and your agreement.

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