Carbon Removals
Your partner for Carbon Removal & Emission Reduction Credits
Project Portfolio Mass Timber Carbon Removals
What are Mass Timber Carbon Removals?
Advantage over other removal technologies
Buyers of carbon removals can choose between nature-based and technology-based solutions. Timber construction represents an intermediate approach: Timber construction removals are based on the natural sequestration of carbon dioxide in the forest and a technical transformation into Mass Timber for long-term storage in the load-bearing structure of buildings.
Image: IPPC recognized carbon removal technologies. Source: Swiss Clean Tech 2024, adapted from Timber Finance and IPCC carbon dioxide removal taxonomy 2023
Our project portfolio is now online!
We are continuously accepting new timber construction projects. Certify your project here.
Who are Carbon Removals interesting for?
Mass Timber Carbon Removals are generally suitable for all, but especially for institutional carbon investors who also develop their own real estate projects. This means that investors can generate Carbon Removals as part of their core business “construction” and do not have to purchase them elsewhere or abroad.
Timber Finance Mass Timber Removals also anticipates the for 2028 planned inclusion of the building sector in the EU’s emissions trading scheme as part of the European Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF).
Double benefit
Two types of credits are available to carbon credit buyers from the Timber Finance project portfolio:
Carbon Removal Credits
Carbon Removal Credits stand for the carbon dioxide absorption and storage capacity of timber.
Carbon Emission Reduction Credits
Emission Reduction Credits stand for the carbon dioxide substitution performance of timber as a replacement for steel and concrete.
Quality and Integrity
Timber Finance Carbon Credits are characterized by high quality and integrity:
- The carbon credits will be recorded and tracked in the ICROA-compatible VCS Carbon Register from the time of recognition (expected in 2025)
- Independent control by independent Verified Verification Bodies (VVB)
- Broad acceptance thanks to public consultation
- Standardized baseline for additionality, double counting (decay rate) and permanence
- Conservative calculation approach
- Annual ex-post issue of credits for as long as the building is standing
- Multi-storey investment properties only
- Only durable components (supporting structure) are certified
- Forest-side safeguards, i.e. proof of origin of timber from sustainably managed forests
- No timber from primary forests or risk areas
- No incentive to move away from material-efficient use of timber, as carbon offset is lower than timber price
- No greenwashing for buyers, as high carbon price does not replace sufficiency and efficiency efforts
Advantages & Co-Benefits
Timber construction removals offer the most co-benefits of all carbon removal solutions:
- Double benefit through storage and substitution capacity of high-emission building materials
- Highest Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
- Fastest possible scaling
- Suitable for urban carbon sink paths, as it requires very little space
- Simultaneous promotion of sustainable forest management for long-term stem wood security
- Carbon removal approach with the smallest CAPEX
- No extra infrastructure required for absorption, transportation and storage of the carbon dioxide
- The only scalable removal solution for the building sector
- Promotion of the circular economy by including the components in a component register for reuse and LCA verification