Carbon Removal Credits for Timber Buildings
Financing contributions for property developers
Project description
For the certification of construction projects in various countries, property developers are invited to participate with their timber construction projects to partially offset the additional costs of timber construction with credits proceeds and to gain experience for future projects. In a pilot, the internationally valid ICROA methodology of Timber Finance will be calibrated and adapted to national and regional conditions as part of a Project Design Development (PDD).
The application is open to real estate developers, builders, architects, engineers and timber constructors. For each country, 15-20 regionally and object-specific well-diversified construction projects will be included in the pilot. The first credits are expected in Q1 2025, subject to recognition of the methodology.
Project Portfolio

Participation criteria
- Property developers or the authorized client representative
- The construction project is realized in Switzerland, Germany or Austria
- The construction project has not yet reached SIA construction phase 6 “Management”
- The construction project has more than 300m3 of timber volume installed in the supporting structure (EFH construction projects can be aggregated)
- The wood comes from sustainably managed regional forests wherever possible. This can be proven by a certificate or certification (FSC, PEFC or similar standard)

Project input
If your construction project meets the criteria, you can receive the declaration of participation and the data sheet via the contact form. Submit the signed declaration of participation and the completed data sheet. A processing fee will be charged upon acceptance.
Preliminary examination
Timber Finance validates your application. Timber Finance Association members are prioritized. The credits are sold by Timber Finance under a sales agreement. All data is treated confidentially.
Verification and certification
Once the shell has been accepted, the construction project will be certified and the Carbon Removal Credits will be sold or can be credited to the company’s own carbon footprint (subject to the recognition of the international carbon methodology expected in Q1 2025).
Request documents
Request the project application documents here.